The CLIMABOROUGH consortium is organizing along 2024 a number of webinars and online workshops dedicated to carbon neutrality, and to the pathways cities are undertaking to bridge the gap between design and implementation of urban innovations, particularly in the face of climatic change and its consequential needs for adaptation and mitigation.
Framed into the “100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities” mission, CLIMABOROUGH gathers a number of leader and follower cities that are currently working in the definition, development testing and deployment of climate products and services focusing either on the transition from waste to circularity, or addressing the shift from isolated energy and mobility systems to integrated services.
The implementation of the pilots is activated by a federated innovative public procurement process. Structured in two consecutive rounds during CLIMABOROUGH’s lifetime and imagined to provide to all (leader and follower) cities the services and products corresponding to their need, this process aims at producing replicable and transferable solutions, EU-wide relevant.
Launched at the beginning of the second year of activities, the webinar series will present CLIMABOROUGH cities work in progress, stimulating exchange and discussion inside and outside the partnership, establishing relationships with the wider framework of the “100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities” initiative, favoring interaction and dialogue with other contexts, good practices and experiences, promoting mutual learning and building capacities.
Three open to the public e-meetings, engaging CLIMABOROUGH cities representatives and partners, are already foreseen for the forthcoming months:
- 29th February 2024
Climate City Contracts to small scale pilots.
How to incorporate carbon neutrality at different scales? In which way do cities applying for 100 “Climate Neutral and Smart Cities” mission and preparing their Climate City Contract work consistently at the different scales, putting together a wider strategic framework, relating long term visions, planning tools, daily operational and concrete action?
- 18th April 2024
Mobilizing Communities of practices. Energy and mobility.
The engagement of individuals, groups and organizations in the deployment of innovative and disruptive solutions is key for their success in the long run. Energy and mobility communities can be a useful perspective to reflect upon the role behavioral change and citizens’ engagement can have in pursuit of carbon neutrality
- 16th May 2024
Circular economy and climate change.
Shifting from waste management to circular economy is a big step in the direction of carbon neutrality. In which way cities can connect their circular economy strategy to climate change? Which are the main barriers and issues?
The participation to the webinars is open to all, upon registration via eventbrite.
Beyond Recycling: Waste Prevention in Circular Strategies
Beyond Recycling: Waste Prevention in Circular Strategies An interesting panel discussion explored how new
CLIMAWEBINARS: Connecting the dots of circularity
In this third webinar, various European cities shared their experiences tackling the waste management
CLIMAWEBINARS: fostering the collaboration between cities and citizens
In this second webinar, several cities from all over Europe shared their experience and