A federated public procurement of innovation call managed by ANCI Toscana.
The goal of public procurement of innovation (structured in two consecutive rounds during the project’s lifetime) is to provide to all leader cities and, later, follower cities the services and products corresponding to their needs.
To this end, each of the 8 leading European cities identified above will be supported by a federated public procurement of innovation call, managed by ANCI Toscana and potentially benefiting the remaining 7.
Same will happen for the follower cities to fulfill the replication and scalability goal of the project.
The specific procurement instrument selected for this exercise is the innovation partnership, see art. 31 of the Directive 2014/24/EU. ANCI launchs and manages the tenders on behalf of the cities, identified as explained above. In preparation for the calls, ANCI, supported by all members of the consortium, organises 12 (online) Open Market Consultations, starting from the publication of the 12 challenge documents, which will be the basis for the discussions to be held during those events.
This happens in 2 different and very distinct phases:
- In the first half of the project: 8 calls for innovation partnerships are launched for the leader cities (4 per hub and 1 per city) with a global budget of 2.3 million Euros.
- In the second half of the project: 4 calls for innovation partnerships are launched for the replication of services (1 per follower city without a limitation per hub) with a global budget of 700.000 Euros.
TED (Tenders Electronic Daily), the online version of the ‘Supplement to the Official Journal’ of the EU dedicated to European public procurement
During the consultations, the partners and cities gain better insights on the state-of-the-art of technologies and on-going service developments, while potential bidders become more familiar with the operational contests where innovations should be introduced. Thanks to the established dialogue between these two parties, potential implementation risks are identified, and the sustainability chances of envisaged solutions are enriched with concrete stakeholders’ feedback.
I’m a solution provider, what should I do?
The first step will be to visit our dedicated pages of the open calls and register to all events that may interest you. You can then propose us a solution (per city) via a “Solution proposal form” before July 31.
This will allow us to propose a more refined tender in September.
You will be then able to send your proposal that will be evaluated, the best ones will be contacted to submit a full proposal. After this second selection, the best solutions will be invited to enter into negotiation.
This happens in 2 different and very distinct phases:
- In the first half of the project: 8 calls for innovation partnerships are launched for the leader cities (4 per hub and 1 per city) with a global budget up to 2.4 million Euros.
- In the second half of the project: 4 calls for innovation partnerships are launched for the replication of services (1 per follower city without a limitation per hub) with a global budget up to 700.000 Euros.