Grenoble-Alpes Métropole is composed of 49 municipalities and 450.000 inhabitants. The Metropole is carrying out an ambitious development project called GRANDALPE 25 with the City of Grenoble, Echirolles and Eybens. This project concerns an area with 30.000 inhabitants and 40.000 jobs and aims to make this district an active living space, an innovative economic hub, and a leader in new mobility. Soft and carbon-free mobility, diversified economic activities, welcoming public spaces with trees, quality of housing… GrandAlpe stands out as a territory of the future, emblematic of what will be the resilient and attractive city of tomorrow.

The GRANDALPE project is also intended to be a demonstrator of the ecological transition and will mobilise all the assets to build a city without fossil fuels. Within this meta-project, the Metropole is developing a new way of doing the “Fabrique de la ville” with 3 main areas of work:

(a) promoting the voice of citizens in its development,
(b) mixing culture and art in the project,
(c) developing tactical urbanism.

The objective is to develop temporary activities / projects with all the resources and stakeholders (companies, SSE actors, artists, and citizens) to prefigure the transformation of the territory.

This is why the urban agglomeration is seeking to gather data and to dispaly it in a way that may allow citizens to improve their behaviours.

To this end, CLIMABOROUGH supports the City on its innovative public procurement process that will start on July 5.

To have more information about the Grenoble challenge, you can read the dedicated section.