City of Cascais
Cascais is a Coastal town located in the outskirts of the Lisbon Metropolitan Region. With 100km2 of area, of which one third is protected landscape covering coastal and mountain range area. The environmental policy is crucial to promote the sustainable development of the municipality and ensure the natural and cultural heritage are both preserved and promoted for the future generations. Cascais Ambiente is responsible for the environmental management of the waste collection and environmental services, including biodiversity promotion, climate action and energy efficiency.
Visit > City of Cascais website
João Dinis
João (Geographer) has been developing climate change action and sustainable development strategies through innovative approaches on spatial planning, technology and governance models for the last 15 years. By managing local strategies for climate change, partnerships and stakeholders are brought in a multi-specialist and multi-institutional approach to develop a roadmap towards a resilient future. This resulted in a frontrunning experience which led to the implementation of over 40 climate actions in the last 5 years for the city of Cascais, the development of monitoring and digital tools which help both citizens and risk related stakeholders, nature-based solutions which significantly contributed to the quality of life of citizens and also for smooth mobility solutions, governance models with established processes and a comprehensive set of communication tools aiming towards environmental awareness for all socio-demographic target audiences.