CITY of Katowice
Katowice is a capital of the Upper Silesia region, the heart of industrial and economic Poland. Due to its location, communication infrastructure and natural resources Katowice today is one of the most important cities in Poland. Over 300 000 citizens make the city the capital of one of the biggest conurbation in the UE with over 2,2 million inhabitants. In recent years Katowice has undergone a huge transformation. Many symbols of the city such as heavy industry, coal and steel factory became an inspiration and were incorporated into colourful and modern place. Referring to tradition, Katowice has become a dynamic economic, educational, cultural, and entertainment centre. The city has also made enormous progress in terms of eco-responsibility.
Visit > City of Katowice website
Beata Sewielska
Beata holds a Diploma in Environmental Protection from the Silesian University of Technology of Gliwice. Since 2012 she has been working at the Department of Environment of the Katowice City Hall. She has collaborated in the development of a municipal waste management system in Katowice. She organises the collection and management of municipal waste from residents, deals with environmental education on municipal waste (including environmental awareness on waste segregation).
Beata Urych
Beata is a graduate in Environmental Protection at the University of Silesia and Marketing and Management at the Katowice Business University. In 2015 she obtained a PhD in technical sciences at the Central Mining Institute. Since 2015 she has worked as a researcher in the Department of Energy Saving and Air Protection of Central Mining Institute . She has been working as a civil servant in the City Hall of Katowice since 2022. As a Mayor’s Plenipotentiary for Climate she supervises, among others, climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Monika Winkler
Monika works as a senior specialist in the Promotion Department at the Katowice City Hall. Closely related to the theme of ecology and the idea of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Actively participated in the organisation of the United Nations climate summit COP24 & World Urban Forum WUF11 in Katowice. She manages the website www.sdg.katowice.eu. She is also strongly involved in the “Bicycle Capital of Poland” social action: together with her colleagues, they promote commuting to work by bicycle. In 2023 she represented the city in the LivCom Awards competition where Katowice won a silver distinction.
Katarzyna Maliszewska
Katarzyna has worked for a company responsible for supplying residents with water and ensuring proper disposal of wastewater. Since 2021, she has been working at the Katowice City Hall and her responsibilities include inspections for compliance and application of environmental regulations, issuance of technical conditions for the connection of the planned rainwater drainage system to the municipal rainwater network and popularizing the application of blue-green infrastucture and cooperation with other companies located in Katowice which also carry out activities related to environmental protection.
Wioleta Niziołek – Żądło
Wioleta is currently the coordinator of social projects at the City Hall in Katowice, including the KATOresident project, which won the main prize in the Transformative Action Award competition, as well as distinctions in national competitions for innovative solutions in local governments. The project is based on innovation, including social innovation and applications. Previously, i.a. advisor to the Mayor of Katowice for social and media communication. Former journalist and newspaper editor, with experience of working in a public relations agency. Interested in urban policies, innovation, design and architecture.
Hubert Siemienczuk
Hubert has been working from 22 years as a specialist in the implementation of regional and international EU projects. He acts as a project creator, coordinator in administrative and financial terms for infrastructure and social funds. He is a Head member of EduMentor Foundation, based in Poland.