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Date and time of the PMC
19th July 2023 – 14.30-17.30 CEST

Regionalna razvojna agencija za Podravje – Maribor; Pobreška cesta 20, 2000 Maribor (46°33’11.3″N 15°39’03.0″E)

Register on eventbrite clicking on this link

Link to videoconferencing room
Participants attending the event online will receive the link to the virtual room after completing the registration process on eventbrite (see above).


In the City of Maribor, we are facing the ineffective and improper separation of biowaste.  Consequently, the amount of mixed waste is too high, particularly since we face a lack of public engagement and discipline in the separation process at the source. The recyclables most often end up in the wrong waste containers. On one hand, such attitude contributes to the overall emission of CO2 – locally and globally, hindering the City’s effort to become one of the 100 Climate Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030. On the other hand, such waste has the potential to fuel circular, innovative actions in the city. For this reason, the City of Maribor, in accordance with the waste collection provider JAVNO PODJETJE SNAGA d.o.o.  has chosen to focus on mixed waste, aiming to establish a “recycle and reuse” society – from waste management to resource management. Such a solution could improve waste sorting and recycling rates using digital solutions and artificial intelligence.

In order to do so, the City needs a strong data system able to monitor and analyze systematically the entire end-of-life cycle in the City.

Such digital solution(s) should also help identify key stakeholders and their ongoing initiatives while favoring collaboration.

In fact, the use of data and digital solutions can be a way to raise awareness, educate and stimulate active engagement of citizens and local actors (also through gamification).

Solution envisaged
A socio-technical system promoting waste separation at source and appropriate management of gathered fractions. This could be achieved by raising awareness and communicating with citizens, as well as using new approaches to promote behavioural change such as gamification and other incentives.

Official Documents

Download the outputs of the PMCs:

  • Recording of the session
  • Slides
  • List of participants
  • Solution forms received

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