Date and time of the PMC
6th July 2023 – 14.30-17.30 CEST
Register on eventbrite clicking on this link
CSI NEXT, Corso Unione Sovietica 214, 10134 Torino
Link to videoconferencing room
Participants attending the event online will receive the link to the virtual room after completing the registration process on eventbrite (see above).
In the City of Torino, the quantity of unrecycled Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and textile waste is still too high. On one hand, this is caused by a lack of awareness and engagement of key stakeholders (citizens, businesses) in properly disposing of this kind of waste. On the other hand, it is difficult to monitor the entire waste collection journey. To solve this severe issue, Torino and its delegated company need to collect meaningful data useful to spot areas of intervention and define new and more efficient disposal strategies.
Solution envisaged
Torino would like to have a new monitoring tool that can help officers to:
- Better understand areas of intervention;
- Give evidence of the value generated through proper disposal;
- Recycling, reuse and actively engage citizens and other key stakeholders in WEEE and textile waste differentiation.
Some data that is not available today because of its exclusion from the compulsory KPIs required by law. If engaged, citizens and stakeholders can help in gathering these relevant data. The monitoring tool should help tackle issues and develop strategies both at district and at broad city level. As a result of the data analysis and the increased understanding of the problem, awareness-raising campaigns will be designed to reach key players (e.g. large-scale distributors, NGO, SME, association networks, schools).
Official Documents
- Preliminary Market Consultation Announcement > download in PDF
- Turin scenario, legislation, data gaps and opportunities > download in PDF
- Solution Proposal Form > download in word > download in PDF – Postponed to 31/08
- Prior Information Notice > download in PDF
Download the outputs of the PMCs:
- Recording of the session
- Slides
- List of participants
- Solution forms received