Frequently asked questions about CLIMABOROUGH Tender

0. Questions about the procurement instrument and process in general

No. It is a call for tender and there is no cofinancing expected from your side. You will be paid against delivery of the proposed Solutions.

Although involving 8 European Cities, the process is owned by ANCI Toscana, the Association of Tuscan Municipalities based in Florence, Italy.
You can contact us at the following email address:

This call is launched in the context of the CLIMABOROUGH project, coordinated by ANCI Toscana, and funded by the European Union through its agency CINEA, under the Horizon Europe programme for research and innovation.
You can find more information on the project at this URL:

However, neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for any part of the process described herein.

The list is indeed final. It includes the following 8: Athens (EL), Cascais (PT), Differdange (LU), Grenoble (FR), Ioannina (EL), Maribor (SI), Sofia (BG) and Turin (IT).

2,4 million Euros, VAT excluded.

Yes, there will be 8 lots of the same amount, 300.000 Euros, one per participant City.

Two (provided they pass the evaluation – see Phase 4).

Yes. It is named Innovation Partnership and is described in Art. 31 of the European Directive on Public Procurement 2014/24/EU.
Available at:

This Call is governed by the EU directive on public procurement, 2014/24/EU, and by the national legislation of Italy where the Contracting authority ANCI Toscana resides. In case of conflict between the European and the national legislation, the former will prevail.
During contract execution, the regulations of the country the successful Tenderer belongs to, also complemented by those of the country hosting the testing environment, shall apply to such aspects as the salaries and working conditions. In case of conflict between the two, the former will prevail.

There is no identified competent court here. In case of litigation, the arbitration will be sought of the Florence Chamber of Commerce.

The contract notice was published on the Official Journal of the European Union on 18 October 2023. See:

The call documents can be retrieved here:

Exclusively via the following, dedicated platform:

The competition is structured in 5 phases. For each of them, we present a separate Q&A set here.

In accordance with the GDPR, the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, all data and information received during the process from every applicant, including any specific part marked as confidential, will be managed by ANCI Toscana and the Host City with electronic means, only to the purpose of awarding the competition according to its specific phases and the rules associated with each.

In accordance with the GDPR, the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, you can revoke your consent to personal data management at any time. However, if you do it before the competition is finalised, it will be impossible for you to (continue to) participate. If you do it afterwards, we can’t guarantee that all data and information about you are deleted, as we need to keep the records of all the competition phases, to the purpose of transparency and to receive any external audit from the European Commission or other agencies or in case of a litigation, by the order of some Court or the Florence Arbitration Chamber.

1. Questions about Phase 1 of competition

Phase 1 is the candidature phase, during which any economic operator (single or associate) can ask the Contractor to be invited to submit a Technical Offer, and to this purpose, provides a set of documents to qualify.

Candidatures can be presented until 30 November 2023 at 23:59 Brussels time, exclusively using the dedicated platform:

Yes, provided they reside in countries holding an association agreement with Horizon Europe.
The most recent list of such countries can be retrieved from:

Switzerland and the UK are also included.

Yes, this is possible without limitations, provided all members reside in an eligible country.

The main condition is to run an established business under the national legislation, without any recent impediment to contract with public administration.

No, this is not required.

Not necessarily, for example not in case of public R&D institutions.

Yes, if you are a natural person. For all other entities the answer is still yes, unless the national legislation allows you to invoice us for your services without a VAT number, which some legislations allow doing (though it is pretty uncommon). This exceptional condition has to be separately examined on a case by case basis.

Only the winners of the call for tender will (see Phase 4), otherwise it is not requested for the submission of a candidature.

Not as an access credential, unless that can be considered as evidence of market recognition on topics related to the call for tender.

An official (or even unofficial, but signed by your legal representative as a proof of truthfulness) balance sheet for the year in question will be more than enough.

There can be no single definition, due to the heterogeneity of the services required in each lot. Yours must be the choice, and we will reserve the right to accept or deny it (or ask for more clarifications).

Contracts, invoices, payments, letters of acknowledgment by the client, etc. Yours must be the choice, and we will reserve the right to assess it.

There can be no single definition, due to the heterogeneity of the services required in each lot. Yours must be the choice, and we will reserve the right to assess it.

Patents, trademarks, quality certifications, letters of acknowledgment by the client. Yours must be the choice, and we will reserve the right to assess it.

No later than 31 December 2023.

Only the economic operators (single or associate) receiving the approval of their candidatures will be invited to the next Phase 2.

At least 6 of them (provided we receive enough).

Yes, this is exact. More precisely, in the case of a consortium, or other form of temporary grouping, the turnover is calculated as the participating economic operators’ total revenues in the most recent available financial year.

The answer is yes, we do require each member of the consortium to create a separate profile on the platform and upload the ESPD + any accompanying documents. We suggest using a single acronym for the proposal, to facilitate our job of rejoining the various distinct applications, although there should be enough information in the ESPD templates of each. The acronym should be placed in the “Start here” section of the platform.

No, there is no maximum number, however the CVs must be relevant and each can get up to 4 points with a maximum of 20 as overall score.

You can choose what is best for you, provided you clearly identify the person / organisation having the mandate of acting on behalf of the other consortium members.

The purpose of the candidature phase is to identify and evaluate all the economic operators that will ultimately, in their different roles, execute the contractual job.

Therefore, it has to be clarified upfront if all the members of the “business network” will be involved in some of the proposed activities or not.

If only one of them does not intend to participate as such, but for instance, they are only willing to offer some of their references to facilitate the candidature of other network members, then the former will fall under the category of “involved third parties” and must be identified as such. Of course in that case, the remaining network members will have to be presented as forming a consortium or “other form of temporary grouping” and the advantage of mentioning a “business network” will no longer exist.

If on the other hand, all the members of the “business network” are 1) available, 2) willing and 3) identified in their specific roles pertaining to the contractual phase (inclusive of e.g. CVs of involved people etc.) then there is no obstacle to the participation of the entire “business network” as composed of N members. However, each of the N members will have to upload the required documentation for the evaluation of their joint candidature, as specified in articles 3.3-3.4-3.5 of the tender regulations.

The lot number and name is available in the following document attached to the tender: Attachment 2 – Specific requirements.

We would like to underline that the translation is just for public bodies (having normally a law of establishment), the simple chamber of commerce certificate and equivalents can be provided in local languages without the need of any translations. 

The tenderer shall include the CVs of the staff employed in the tender proposal, being them contracts of work and contracts by project. Costs of the staff employed shall not be reported to the CLIMABOROUGH project coordinator. Nevertheless, funding provided through the CLIMABOROUGH project shall respect the EU and national labour rights and principles.

All participants need to provide the documents. Moreover, the applicant should pay attention to the FAQ n. 1.26 and 1.27.

We will need an official declaration from your State Authority certifying that there has been a disruption in your business due to the fire and that no evidence exists of turnover or any other financial information for the fiscal year in question. Otherwise you will be subject to the same requirements as any other participant in the call.

If the scientist holds a VAT number, she can join as a subcontractor and upload her own ESPD – with attachments – to the system. Otherwise you may add her CV to your staff, and foresee a different agreement with her in case the Call is awarded to you, however bear in mind that she may not withdraw from the contract at a later stage.

All the documents can be provided in original language, with the exception of the law of establishment of public bodies that needs to be supported by a summary in English as per art. 3.3.

The fact that the legal representative is the same is irrelevant. What distinguishes the two companies is that they hold different VAT / registration numbers. So each company must keep its own profile. If the same company does two applications for the same lot, both will be rejected.

The terms are unequivocal, both in the accounting literature and in legislation. Italy adheres to the European Union’s convention, so there is no problem in using the Italian equivalents “patrimonio netto” and “totale attività”.

You will need to provide any documents that report your annual revenues and that apply to your case. In the ESPD, you will need to report the data referring to your business.

The reliance on capacities of other entities is not the same thing as forming a group or consortium of joint applicants. Examples are provided in Annex 1 e.g. a parent or sister company or a subcontractor. If no such a case exists, then the answer should be No.

No, we don’t want you to submit any certification, unless it is electronically available, in which case you may want to indicate the link to the relevant source.

In principle you should be able to reply NO to all questions except the last one, which is waiting for a YES. If such is the case, there is no need to upload anything. Otherwise, there is no obligation to provide any documentation, unless it is electronically available, in which case you may want to indicate the link to the relevant source.

There is no predefined length. We expect the description to be informative enough to assess the similarity of the service and allow to grade its quality and value as described in Annex 1 Tender regulations – §§ 3.5a and 3.8.

The reliance on capacities of other entities is not the same thing as forming a group or consortium of joint applicants. Examples are provided in Annex 1 e.g. a parent or sister company or a subcontractor. If no such a case exists, then the answer should be No.

No, we don’t want you to submit any certification, unless it is electronically available, in which case you may want to indicate the link to the relevant source.

In principle you should be able to reply NO to all questions except the last one, which is waiting for a YES. If such is the case, there is no need to upload anything. Otherwise, there is no obligation to provide any documentation, unless it is electronically available, in which case you may want to indicate the link to the relevant source.

A bank guarantee cannot substitute for the fulfillment of the economic and financial requirements. In order for the mother company to merge its data with those of the daughter both have to upload the ESPD.

The inclusion of workers CVs is recommended to increase your chances of being selected, but it’s not obligatory.

What matters (to you) is that the signatory must validly engage your company in the continuation of the tender procedure.

2. Questions about Phase 2 of competition

Phase 2 is the negotiation phase, during which selected Candidates are invited to submit a Technical Offer only, which will be discussed bilaterally with representatives of the Contractor and the Host City.

By socio-technical solution we mean a solution that combines technological aspects (such as those related to hardware, software, communication networks, data availability etc.) with social ones (i.e. related to people, groups and communities).
Such solutions may exist at any maturity stage – from idea to prototype to full product/service – or if one prefers so, hold any possible TRL (Technology Readiness Level) from 0 to 9 as a point of departure. However, the final TRL expected at the end of the procurement should be no lower than 7 (“system demonstrated in an operational environment”). This should be taken into careful account, considering that the duration of the solution deployment phase onsite will hardly be longer than one year.

The socio-technical solutions envisaged are clustered in two thematic hubs, one focused on the transition “from waste to circularity”, the other addressing the shift “from isolated energy and mobility systems to integrated services”.
They should assist citizens and/or urban policy makers in taking climate friendly decisions and actions supported by specific data and information on the carbon footprint of human activities in the selected operational environments.

Yes, they are, in the form of minimum requirements to be fulfilled by every Solution proposal (in the form of a Technical Offer) that is submitted by the deadline.

Technical Offers can be presented until 16 February 2024 at 23:59 Brussels time, exclusively using the dedicated platform:

A bilateral negotiation will take place, with full respect of business confidentiality, to improve the quality of received Technical Offers above the minimum requirements.

During the month of February 2024.

Negotiations will occur bilaterally and the other participants will not be kept reciprocally informed about their respective dates and outcomes. No information exchanged during the talk will be made public, although the session may be recorded.

The negotiation phase will follow the submission of the technical offer. Please refer to the Art. 4 of the Tender Regulations.

Yes, we confirm that you will need to use again the goodgrants platform.

In relation to your request to join forces with another applicant, we’d need a formal request from you and the other applicant motivating the reasons of the merge. The request  will have to be evaluated and possibly approved by the Single Responsible Person (RUP) via a formal decision.

We confirm that the deadline for the submission of the Technical Offer is 16th February 2024, 23:59 Brussels time as in the Decree n. 5/24/I dated 17 January 2024 published in the webpage For your information, the  deadline of 29 February refers to another project (HuMUS), whereas that of 31st January was the original deadline for the submission of the Technical Offer, postponed by the above mentioned decree.

The information you mention shall be included in the part II section B “Information about the other economic operators (only in case of a consortium or other form of temporary grouping)” of the attachment 10.

It’s the maximum duration allowed, then it will be up to you to decide which activities should be included in that time frame.

In this phase we don’t need the financial offer to be filled in and submitted by you, only the technical offer needs to be submitted. That’s because after the deadline of the 16th February, a negotiation process will start and the technical offer could be modified as a result of this process.

We expect to receive one single technical offer per each invited economic operator, single or associate. In case of consortium / grouping you shall include the other economic operators in the Attachment 10 – Technical Offer, in the same way as done for Phase 1.

The public event in July 2023 and the current procurement procedure are completely disconnected from each other. That was clarified in the official documents supporting both of them. You must respect the tender requirements as indicated in attachment 2 and the related documents.

The activities you will describe in your technical offer – if awarded.

3. Questions about Phase 3 of competition

Phase 3 is the proper tendering phase, during which Candidates are invited to submit a revised Technical Offer accompanied by a Financial Offer, which the Contractor will evaluate in the next phase of competition.

The Technical and Financial Offers can be presented until 31 March 2024 at 23:59 Brussels time, exclusively using the dedicated platform:

No later than 30 April 2024.

The two best ranked Tenderers per lot will be awarded (see next Phase).

Because we expect those solutions to imply diverse methodological approaches and hold different degrees of initial maturity (as measured by the TRL – Technology Readiness Level), while it is required that they should converge to a minimum TRL of 7 by project’s end.

If the licence is bought from a third party, please use “Other costs”. If the licence costs are related to one of your products, they need to be included in profits.

4. Questions about Phase 4 of competition

Phase 4 is the award phase, at the end of which two Solution proposals per Host City, showing the highest quality vs price ratios, will be awarded by the Contractor and the Tenderers will be invited to sign a Partnership Agreement.

A contract with the two best ranked Tenderers per lot will be signed (see next Phase) until 31 May 2024 and an advance payment of 50% of the Financial Offer will be paid until 30 June 2024.

5. Questions about Phase 5 of competition

Phase 5 is the Solution deployment phase in the Host City environment, initiated by an advance payment paid by the Contractor.

The foreseen duration of the Partnership Agreement will be 12 months, starting from June 2024 and until end May 2025, without the possibility of any extension.

At the end of the phase of deployment, all solutions are purchased by ANCI Toscana and will be put at the free disposal of the respective Cities.

The Partnership agreement will regulate the post-project phase in such a way to ensure that the City will continue using the deployed solutions and the respective proposers may transform them into market products or services on a larger scale at their ease.

The Partnership agreement explains that better. It refers to the post-deployment phase, when the City hosting the experimentation will have the right (not the obligation) of buying copies of the final Solution at a specified price, which will be determined through the calculations shown in that Annex.

6. Questions about the Preliminary Market Consultations

The purpose of those events was not the reception of offers, but the discussion of the challenges posed by the 8 Cities and the reception of ideas, suggestions and recommendations that have helped ANCI Toscana shape this Call for tender. In particular, advice on the state of arts, market capabilities, ongoing/past R&D projects etc. was more than welcome.

These can all be retrieved starting from:

Contents include any material submitted prior to and/or after the event, the final list of participants, as well as the audio/video recordings of the online and onsite sessions, which may include specific questions made and answers received. All such data and information are made public, unless specific restrictions for confidentiality apply, by request of the participants themselves.

It is not necessary, but it can be advisable, to stay tuned with the immediate antecedents of this call for tender. Generally speaking, although some details have been changed, the challenges presented by the City representatives during the 8 Preliminary Market Consultations are still interesting to hear from the voices of those who will host the experimentations of the proposed Solutions.

No. The call for tender is open to all economic operators who fulfil the conditions established herein, no matter whether they have been participating to any Preliminary Market Consultation or have submitted any solution proposal or nothing at all.

7. How to make further inquiries

Not at all. Please contact us every now and then to check for updates.

You can contact us at the following email address:

8.1 Athens (EL)

Taking into account the amount of funding we estimate as well that 2-5 schools will be described by the proposers. This depends also on the cost of your solution, but in general we are inline that this is a feasible estimation.

The aforementioned requirements are stated to be inapplicable as minimum requirements, however they will be duly evaluated in Phase 4 of the Competition.

The 20 points allocated to requirements 1-5 will be allocated using exactly the same procedure as for all other requirements.

So the technical offers can estimate than an average school in Athens has 3 floors (ground floor, 1st and 2nd floor), each is floor is approximately 300 square meters and in total it has 12 classrooms.

8.2 Cascais (PT)

Yes, there are already containers where citizens can put their textiles.  These containers are run by charitable organisations that donate the collected clothes. This system is not supervised by waste entities.

We don’t have a final figure now. We’re waiting for a case study to be carried out by an external organisation.

Private social solidarity institutions and other organizations like Humana Portugal, Ultriplo and H Sarah Trading.

The sorting is either done by the collecting entities or, if they are considered waste, they are sorted by TRATOLIXO in some occasions. Part of the sorting results are unknown to us.

We only have one sorting center, but textile collectors sort out for themselves, which is an issue for us.

There are no requirements, only within the city boundaries but we aim to further the pilot near schools and commercial areas.

Yes, through gamification or vouchers to exchange for other goods.

The public event in July 2023 and the current procurement procedure are completely disconnected from each other. That was clarified in the official documents supporting both of them. We look forward to receiving your technical proposal and particularly information about its compliance with the minimum requirements described in the relevant section of Attachment 2 to the contract notice.

The solution provider is expected to create both new datasets with sensors (filling/volume sensors) as well as to cross-reference related to textiles and connect them to an existing data base through an API or by delivering monthly data by xls or csv files (or similar). For application purposes, consider both options. Additionally, as stated in the applicant’s question, this solution must contribute to identify user patterns, collection service recommendations (based on the sensors) together with real time communication.

The information we have is only an estimation of the reality, as such are no real figures. The solution provider will be responsible for all the information collection and sharing.

Second-hand shops, charities, and other entities will be able to share information on the solution provider platform, using a methodology defined by Cascais Ambiente (for example: how many items were collected, how many were sent for sale, who they went to, etc.).

No, the QR READ in the bin is just so the citizen knows when the bin is the placed bag is collected, just another set of information so they know it’s a moving process. The app could, for example, have an icon to let the user know where the bag is! The solution the provider states for filling information is useful and good on our perspective.

Also, we’ve identified what appears to be a gap in the ‘Collection sorting process,’ specifically regarding the absence of any mention regarding the follow-up tracking of individual items (e.g. shirts, trousers, clothes, beds, curtains, etc.) Based on the attached diagram, we’ve assumed a process following steps 14 through step 17 to address this gap. However, we seek confirmation on whether this assumption aligns with your intended process flow.
We did mention the need to track items in the bag on our review. The citizen, as he is placing the items can identify one by one during the placement with just a general classification (house textiles, shirt, trousers, jacker, socks and underwear, etc….) then this is reviews at the sorting plant by the technician and he then places in the app what goes to second hand shop or waste!

Mobile card. They vary so far we have 5G and GPRS. But it is a ‘card communication based’ unit.

We do not have a specification at the moment, that will be defined by the service concession bid winner. However, the filling sensors will always be placed on the top and leave opening and closing free. We do not foresee any cards to access, only a key so the collector can open and close. As such, the only IT there is the filling sensor.


Please refer to the section 3.2 of the Attachment 2 Specific requirements at each Host City, in which the target groups are clearly indicated.

Some datasets are available and some need to be obtained with the energy providers for example. The city will work with the contractor on it, also with the support of other partners of CLIMABOROUGH, in order to understand better how to work with the data available and identify gaps.

Some datasets are available and some need to be obtained with the energy providers for example. The city will work with the contractor on it, also with the support of other partners of CLIMABOROUGH, in order to understand better how to work with the data available and identify gaps.

KPIs will be decided together. Regarding expected outcomes, it is important for the solution provider to indicate some examples in their proposals based on the general ambitions described in the tender.

There is no need to share anything. These are examples of softwares that are used (or will be used in the near future) by the municipality in its data collection, analysis and visualization (eg Excel Sheets, Climateview software to visualize carbon neutrality by 2030, etc). The « connection » means to take these data into account when developing solutions. This will, of course, be done in full cooperation between the solution provider and the City of Differdange.

8.4 Grenoble-Alpes Metropole (FR)

There is no such a list, an example has been made in Attachment 2. You can make reference to the European Interoperability Framework if you so wish. You can make your own proposal regarding the above.

Please remind that according to the terms of the call for tender, your technical proposal will be negotiated right after its presentation, involving representatives from the Host City.

8.5 Ioannina (EL)

8.6 Maribor (SLO)

8.7 Sofia (BG)

The solution should gather and analyze data for at least one year as per the contract duration. After the specified period ends, the continuation of operation, including the transferring of ownership would depend on various factors such as the outcomes, feedback, resources, budget, necessary changes or improvements and other considerations in accordance with the procurement rules and the local legal framework.

Yes, all hardware should be a part of the solution and should be held by the contractor.

By GPS-based data we meant that the solution should provide the data with location of available parking spots (occupancy monitoring) as well as for the search traffic for available parking spot. Please note that you should not consider the Preliminary Market Consultations challenges specifications, but only the tender ones.

The correct link is

as stated in the description for the Sofia tender in Climaborough project website –

You will receive the license plate numbers which have a permit for residential parking in the specific subzone depending on the location of the experimentation. The resident permit is not for a specific parking spot, so no GPS coordinates could be provided. The residents are allowed to park within the specific subzone depending on the location of their address. See the map in the previous point for subzones’ borders

You will receive the license plate numbers of the EVs having sticker allowing them free parking in the short-term parking zones. We do not have permits for EVs registered after December 2022 due to the fact that after that date all newly registered EVs have a dedicated EV number starting with the letters “EA” on their license plate. No GPS coordinates could be provided due to the fact that EVs do not have specific parking spaces.

For January 2024, the distribution of the different channels of purchase for the both short-term parking zones is as follows:

  • SMS/mobile app: 91,34%
  • Paper tickets: 7,82%
  • Clamped vehicles: 0.84%

The mobile app purchases are accounted within the SMS channel due to the payment system requirements which combines all e-payments.

A map of CCTV cameras could be provided. For each camera, an excel file containing location, license plate, captured date and time could be provided.

In general, as it is described in the “Description of the challenge and of the envisaged solution”, the cameras’ locations are at every entry/exit street of the area surrounded by: “Vasil Levski” Blvd., “Patriarch Evtimii” Blvd., “Gen. Skobelev” Blvd., Opalchenska Str., Slivnitsa Blvd. (blue area on the map in fig.1) which for some bordering streets overlaps with the border of paid parking subzones (Fig.2). The experiment is supposed to be conducted within 8 city blocks within the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th subzone of the “Blue” parking zone.

Fig. 1


A detailed map of all subzones is available here:

The information from the camera only shows if a vehicle passed by that particular camera, not if that vehicle parked within the zone.

The sample cannot be shared, however the data collected is in an excel file containing camera location, vehicle license plate, captured date and time.

Real-time information is not required. Historical data and prediction model by block / street with occupancy rates per day / hours will be sufficient.

There are a few underground and ground level parking lots within 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th subzone of the “Blue” parking zone. No P+R facilities within these subzones.

Yes, you could propose options or possible developments following the experience.

8.8 Torino (IT)

it is up to the bidders to explain how they intend to comply with the requirement referred to in Attachment 2 (point 6)

During the negotiation and in any case before signing the contract the City of Turin will ensure that none of the proposals have overlaps, and this applies to all the winning proposals in all the lots.

No, we currently only have data at city level. We have a general annual figure, the percentage of which is under 1% of the total waste collected for each of these 2 waste fractions.

It is not compulsory but of course it would be beneficial, especially in the long term. You can nonetheless propose a different way and/or a separated practice, at least for the experimentation phase.

No, the City cannot do that but you decide to share your email contact publicly. Moreover, by looking into the proceedings of the Preliminary Market Consultation you can find other applicants that are interested in the challenge.

Being an experimental activity, the solution is expected to be developed first of all on your own applications and servers. It’s up to you to explain how it could possibly be integrated and how to favour the interoperability in order to encourage the dialogue with the ICT Services of the City. More technical information and the feasibility will be discussed later on.

The solution provider has to be able to identify needs of non-existing data sets and, if necessary, to create them and share them with the City. Of course the provider could, at the same time, use and cross-reference all existing data, respecting the norms about confidentiality.

The provider will be introduced to the players involved in the process, and the City will always take part in the round tables and will follow directly the implementation of the solution proposed. As far as the “leadership elements” concerns, it depends on the proposal; all of these elements will be discussed in the negotiation phase.

A big bunch of data is available on CLIMAB website, please read carefully the attachment Turin scenario, legislation, data gaps and opportunities, available here. More data will be made available to the selected companies.

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