Date and time of the PMC
28 January 2025 10.30-13.00 CET (Pilsen Time)
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Pilsen, a city located in the western part of the Czech Republic, is the capital of the Pilsen Region and the fourth largest city in the country with approximately 186 thousand inhabitants. Over 300 thousand people live in the Pilsen agglomeration, which is more than 50 % of the population of the Pilsen Region.
Like many urban centres, Pilsen faces significant challenges related to traffic congestion, air and noise pollution, much of which is caused by high levels of individual car traffic. To improve the quality of its environment, Pilsen is placing an emphasis on promoting sustainable transport options. This includes diminishing dependence on private cars by promoting alternative modes of transport, as well encouraging behavioural change among its citizens.
In particular, Pilsen promotes the adoption of more sustainable commuting habits within students and their community. The city aims at reducing the environmental impact of car traffic, especially at morning peak hour, in the proximity of schools, by introducing temporary street closures. This should not only diminish congestion and improve traffic safety around schools but should also decrease the students’ high exposure to air pollutants emitted by vehicles, and lower CO2 emissions and noise level in these areas.
Importantly, Pilsen envisages engaging the local community in these efforts to foster a sense of ownership and encourage behavioural changes that promote sustainability.
There are 51 kindergartens and 29 primary schools in Pilsen. For the purpose of the project, two primary schools in Pilsen are considered:
Tyrsova ZS a MS:
Address: U Skoly 7, 326 00 Plzen, N 49°41.80173′, E 13°25.07750′
City district: UMO 8 (Cernice)
School capacity: 74 (kindergarten) + 153 (primary school) students
Tyrsova ZS a MS
25. Zakladni škola Plzen
Address: Chvalenicka 17, 326 00 Plzen, N 49°43.37122′, E 13°24.20208′
City district: UMO 2 (Slovany)
School capacity: 960 students
Zakladni škola Plzen
By means of SITMP, its in-house IT company, the city of Pilsen will install sensors to monitor air quality and cameras to detect the number of cars around schools. The data will start being collected before the project starts and thus will provide baseline data to evaluate the performance of the project. Initial steps regarding car traffic restrictions are expected to be taken by the city.
Expected characteristics of the solution(s) looked for
Solution envisaged: To promote sustainable transport options and encourage students and citizens to adopt more eco-friendly commuting habits.
The solution and the solution provider should be able to deliver at least five of the following results:
Traffic Measures around Schools: Analyse current traffic situation around involved schools (e.g. school mobility plan or similar), and propose further traffic measures (such but not limited to street closures for vehicles, pedestrian zones K+R parking, temporary barriers, one-way streets, innovative curb-side use or likewise). Provide traffic engineering / urban space planning expert support, documentation and consultancy services needed to propose and administratively approve the selected measures with the relevant public authorities (city departments, police, city district etc.).
Innovative Solutions: Develop tool(s) to encourage active citizenship and behavioural change towards more climate-responsible mobility decisions. They shall facilitate students and community engagement, increase awareness about the environmental impact of their mobility choices, and encourage change of commuting habits. For example, these tools can include (but are not limited to) interactive education content, data visualisation dashboards, gamification tools, or similar. Consider different users and their needs (e.g. students, schools, municipality, community).
Data-Driven Education: Detect data needs, facilitate understanding of environmental data, use innovative solutions to analyse and visualise data[1] to evaluate the impact of the adopted measures, identify trends, and support informed decision-making.
Education and Training: Support teachers in climate education with know-how and education content for classroom activities, and provide training to the community, as well as to local governments.
Gamification: Incorporate game elements within classroom and community activities to motivate and reward sustainable behaviour. For rewards, consider existing city services programmes comprising, but not limited to, sports and cultural events and facilities, public transport, mobility services, and similar.
Community Engagement: Organize community activities, workshops and/or events to stimulate the behaviour change of students and citizens.
Communication and Outreach: Engage with the public and individual stakeholders to raise awareness.
[1] Sensors (traffic, noise, air pollution) will be installed and data will be provided by the city, i.e. sensor installation is not needed for the project.
Official Documents
Preliminary Market Consultation Announcement:
PDF Download
Solution Proposal Form:
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PDF Download
Prior Information Notice:
View Notice on TED (External Link)
Documents of the Preliminary Market Consultation
Recording of the Session of January 28
Agenda and CLIMABOROUGH presentation (ANCI Toscana)
Challenge of the City of Pilsen
CLIMABOROUGH Public Procurement Procedure (ANCI Toscana)
Solution Forms Received:
Coming after February 10, 2025