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Tender CHALLENGES / Cascais

Cascais holds a priceless natural wealth, from the coast to the natural park, passing through the streams. Aiming to enhance and maintain it, the City Hall develops innovative and sustainable projects and initiatives, while seeking to respond to environmental challenges and the preservation of the planet. 

The waste produced in Cascais is managed by the municipal company EMAC – Cascais Ambiente. Its mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of the area and improve the quality of life of its residents and visitors, assuming itself as a reference in the community. Through integrated action and intelligent management of resources, we aim to achieve the goals and fulfil the commitments made by the Municipality to adapt to climate change, moving towards carbon neutrality. 

Envisaged solution

Cascais is looking for a socio-technical systems based on smart combinations of software (such as apps) and hardware (such as IoT sensors) that promote sustainable consumption and help improve waste differentiation in households, thus increasing the quality of the waste collected from them and the performance of selective waste collection processes. In this way Cascais aims to create new waste streams for textiles, with the potential to fuel circular and innovative environmental actions.

Information on the location of the experimentation

The City of Cascais has an area of 97,4 km2, with 30 km of coastline and one third of its territory is a protected landscape. Cascais belongs to the Lisbon metropolitan area along with 17 other municipalities and has about 213 000 inhabitants according to data from 2021. Is a renowned tourist destination and has an unrivalled heritage. 

The tenderers are free to identify the area of experimentation within the borders of the municipality of Cascais that are depicted in the map below.

Specific requirements

  • Solutions that promote datasets creation, including data acquisition by IoT sensors and the collection of real time waste data
  • Solutions that allow relevant data visualisations, both for remote monitoring purposes and to improve decision making
  • Solutions that integrate created datasets and embed visualisation functions in a single tool;
  • Solutions that embed gamification and/or educational aspects, such as general or specific advice on how to improve waste selection, understand data visualisations, etc.
  • Solutions that are promptly available as applications (for smartphones and tablet PCs, on Android and/or IOS operating systems).  

It can be useful for the participants to read the results of the characterisation and diagnosis study of domestic textile waste in the municipality of Cascais, which is available at this link: 

The following datasets should be generated by the innovative solutions:

  • Data on textile waste collection and separation – amount of textile waste collected and separated in tonnes, updated monthly.
  • Data on location of bins collection points and how full they are – geographical location of all textile collection bins and the capacity of the bins (tonnes), in real time.
  • Data on textiles by second-hand shops, charities, and other entities – quantity of textiles received by these entities (tonne), updated monthly.
  • Data on traceability of clothes and their destination – geographic location of donated batches of clothes in order to know their final destination.

Minimum requirements

Data usage

See points “Data availability” and “Data generation” below.

Data availability

The provider should at least use the following datasets made available by the City: data on containers for municipal waste, data on type of municipal waste and data on location of unsorted and selective waste.

Data generation

The solution should at least generate the following datasets”: data on textile waste collection and separation, data on location of bins collection points, data on entities collecting/reusing textiles and data on textiles by second-hand shops, charities and other entities that is not reused and their final destination

Data visualisation

The solution should at least enable visualisation of the following datasets: data on location of bins collection points and data on the quantity of textiles collected

Socio—technical solution A

The active engagement of citizens should at least be ensured during the 12 months of experimentation.

Socio—technical solution B

The way active engagement of citizens will contribute to a better performance of the solution should be described in detail.

Socio—technical solution C

A minimum number of 1 500 citizens should be engaged by the provider during the 12 months of experimentation.

Socio—technical solution D

The solution should at least demonstrate impacts on the following citizen behaviours: sustainable consumption and waste differentiation.

Socio—technical solution E

The provider should at least involve the following local stakeholders during the 12 months of experimentation: resident citizens and local retailers.


The solution should at least be interoperable with the following existing IT systems: Power BI.


Use of the solution should not imply the release of personal data unless for specific and motivated purposes.


The provider should specify which rules/regulations should be temporarily lifted for the purpose of the experimentation.


The provider should specify how the solution can be scaled from the site of experimentation to the broad City level.


The provider should specify the conditions under which the same solution can be adopted by other Cities with similar challenge.

To participate to the tender, please read our tender documentation, this page is a simple overview about the Cascais challenge. To visit the documentation, click on the green button below.


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